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Friday, November 8, 2013


One time , there was a young lady asked the father , when he saw his father accidentally being started rubbing her face wrinkled with a bent body , accompanied by the sound of his coughing . Her son asked his father , " Daddy , why is your’s creased with increasing body of my father that were increasingly bent ? " Thus the question is , when his father were laid out on the veranda .

His father replied : " Because I am man . " That's the answer to his father . The girl murmured : " I do not understand . " With wrinkle - brow because his father made ​​him answer stunned curiosity . His father just smiled and stroked her son 's hair , kept patting his shoulder , then his father said : " My son , you did not understand about men . " His father whispered thus , make the girl added confusion .

Out of curiosity , then the boy 's mother approached her and asked : " Mom why face wrinkle - merut father and his increasingly bent ? And like my father became so without any complaints and pain ? "

Her mother replied : " My son , if a man truly responsible for the family that was going to be. " The only answer to the Mother .

Enduring female children grow up, but he's still curious .

Until one night , her son dreamed of . In the dream it was as if he heard a voice that was very gentle , but clear . And the words are clearly audible it turned out a series of sentences as an answer for this curiosity .

" When I created man , I make it as a leader of the family as well as the pillars of building a family , she will always hold each end , so that families feel safe and protected shady . "

" I created a stocky and muscular shoulders to feed the whole family Drudge and his courage must also be strong enough to protect the whole family . "

" I gave him the will to keep trying to find a bite of rice from his own sweat droplets are halal and clean , so that his family is not neglected , even though he is often reviled of his children . "

" I gave Might and mental steel that will make him give up , for the sake of his family he gave up his skin stung heat of the sun , for the sake of her family she gave up her soaking wet because doused cold rain and gusts of wind , she drained perkasanya Let go power for the sake of his family and he always remembered , when everyone is waiting for her to expect the results of his labors . "

" I give patience , perseverance and tenacity that would make him always trying to take care of and guide the family without any complaints, although every life journey fatigue and pain often attacked . "

" I gave loud and persistent sense to try to fight for love and loving family , in the conditions and circumstances as well , although it is rarely their children had hurt her feelings hurt . Though he felt that is what has given security protection at a time when their children fall asleep asleep . well as a touch of feelings that gives comfort when when he was patted the shoulders of their children to always love each other and love your neighbor . "

" I gave her wisdom and ability to give him the knowledge to provide the knowledge and awareness , that a good wife is a devoted wife to her husband , a good wife is a wife who always accompany . And together face life's journey both joy and sorrow , though often wisdom that will test any allegiance given to the wife , in order to keep up , survive , parallel and complement each other as well as love each other . "

" I gave the wrinkles on her face in order to be proof that the man she thought power always endeavor to seek and find a way for his family to live in a happy family and that his body bent in order to prove , that the man responsible for the whole family , always strive mightily and devote all his feelings , his strength , tenacity for survival of their families . "

" I gave to man full responsibility as the leader of the family , as the pole buffer , so can be used as well as possible and this is all the advantages possessed by men , despite the fact that this is the responsibility of the trust in the world and the Hereafter . "

Child woke her , and immediately she ran , knelt down and prayed until dawn. After that he approached the booth father was praying , when the child's father stood up and kissed her hand grabbed his father . " I hear and feel the burden , Dad " .

This world has many wonders , all of God's creation is so great , but none can compare with the beauty of hand- Dad ...

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