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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Medicinal Suffering

There was a young mother who had not eaten for days , until his body just thinner . An old doctor checked his pulse , and said : " You harbored so many problems in your heart , so that the body becomes weak . Because you do not actually have a severe illness . "

After hearing the diagnosis of the physician , the young mother felt very relieved as apart from heavy loads . Then , the young mother was telling all the trouble on the physician . Old physician was asked , " What about your husband's feelings towards you ? "
The young mother replied with a smile , " It loves me . " Old physician asked again , " What have children ? " With full cheerful young mother replied , " Yes , a daughter , a very understanding .... "
As earlier said, the physician was to write something . Afterwards , he showed his writing in two papers on the young mother . Sheets are a young mother reads a problem , and another sheet containing the joy of the young mother.
Then , the doctor said to the young mother , " Both of these papers is a prescription medicine for your illness , you record all the problems that you face , and forget the joy around you . "
With that , the doctor told his parents brought a basin of water and ink . After that , the physician dripping black ink in clear water . Visible light green color of ink droplets began to spread across the surface of the water .
And in an instant , the ink was not seen again . The doctor said, " When the black ink into the water , the color will fade . Are not our lives too? "

Often the burden of suffering that is so heavy we feel , more due ourselves too fixated on the problems that exist and forget the joy that is all around us . Try to learn to mix little by little suffering in the lives of the clear water , extensive , and contain our joy . By doing so , we will live load feel lighter .

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