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Friday, December 13, 2013

Story of Ants and Flies

Some seem to fly flies feasting on a trash can in front of a house . At one point , the house owner's son came out and did not close the back door of the house . Then appears a fly flew into the house rushed it . The fly straight to a table full of delicious food .

" I was bored with the rubbish , it 's time to enjoy the fresh food , " he said . Once full , the flies rushed wants to get out and fly toward the door when she came in, but apparently it has terutup glass door meeting . The fly landed momentarily on the glass door looking at his friends waving his hand as if asking him to rejoin them .
The fly was flying around the glass , occasionally jumping and crashing the glass , with the relentless flies trying to get out of the door glass . Flies were crawling around the glass from top to bottom and from left to right back and forth , so on and on over and over again . It grew dusk , the flies had appeared exhausted and starving . The next morning , it seems the flies lay slumped on the floor .
Not far away, a group of red ants seem to walk hand in hand out of the nest to find food . And when the flies encounter helpless , they simultaneously rollicking swarming and biting fly's body until they die . Ant swarms was also abuzz transporting carcasses poor flies towards their nest .
On the way , a little ant said to his older companion , "What's wrong with this fly , sir ? Why is he dying ? " " Oh .. , it is often the case , there are flies that die in vain like this . Actually they have been tried , he really has struggled trying to get out of the glass door . But when it did not also find a way out , frustrated and exhausted that he fell dying and eventually became our dinner menu . "
The little ants seem nod , but still curious and asked again , " I still do not understand , instead of flies had been trying hard ? Why does not it work? "
Still while walking and carrying carcasses of flies , ants old replied , " The fly is a relentless and have tried many times , it's just that he does it in a way the same . " Ants old ordered his colleagues as he paused went on to say , but this time with a more serious expression and tone , " Remember the young man , if you do things the same way but expecting different results , then your fate will be like this fly . "

Winners do not do different things , they just do it in a way that is Distinct

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