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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Homelessness Love

Roy Angel is a poor pastor who has a brother a millionaire . In 1940 , when a business is experiencing peak oil , his sister sells pasture in Texas at the right time with a very high price . Instantly it became kayaraya brother Roy Angel . After that kaka Roy Angel planting stock in large companies and gain a big profit . Now he lives in a luxury apartment in New York and has offices in Wall Street .

A week before Christmas , his brother Roy Angel presented a new, luxury cars and shiny . One morning a vagrant child car stared in awe .
" Hi .. son " Roy greeted the child look at Roy and asked" Is this the car sir ? " " Yes , " replied Roy brief . " How much is it sir ? " " Actually I do not know how much it costs " . " Why are you do not know the price , would not have this car sir ? " Little bum was asked with wonder . " I do not know because the car was a gift from my brother " Hearing that answer the boy's eyes widened and muttered , "I wish .... if ... " Roy thinks he knows exactly what is desirable little boy , " This kid is definitely hoping to have the same as my brother's brother " . It turns out that Roy mistook , when the boy went on to say :
" If ... if I could be a brother like that .. " With still amazed Roy took the boy with her ​​car around . The boy was endlessly praised the beauty of the car . Until the time the boy said , "Sir Will host stopped by my house ? It is located just a few blocks from here " . Once again Roy thinks he knows what the kids want to do this . " Surely this child wanted to show his friends that he had been riding a luxury car " thought Roy . " OK , why not ," Roy said as he headed toward the boy's house . Arriving on a street corner bum boy begged Roy to pause , " Master, Master Will wait a minute ? I 'll be right back " . The boy ran toward the house already rickety hut . After waiting nearly ten minutes , Roy began to wonder what the boy had done and out of the car , looked at the decrepit house . At that time he heard the sound of feet slowly . A few moments later the homeless children while carrying out his sister is paralyzed . Upon arriving near the vagrant child car said to his sister :
" ... Look like the big brother told you . This latest car . The Lord 's brother present it to the host . Someday brother will buy a car like this for you " .
If I could be a brother like that .
This story is taken from a true story that is written in a book Stories for the familys heart by Alice Gray .

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