Social Icons

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Year-End Eeflections

Time is something that is unstoppable , he will continue to move even though we have tired to move from where we stand , it will continue to move forward even if we have lost the spirit in this life .

But here's the reality of life , when we feel have fought so hard , there are still a lot of sharp gravel that are still up in every step we , when we have attempted , there is still a failure of our approach , there are still cries that accompany our path , there are many things which is not in accordance with our expectations , especially when we enter these challenging years like this .
In a family , when we are seated as a child , we feel less attention from their parents , and vice versa as parents , we feel children today are very difficult to be educated , although we have attempted to do the best for her , and then when we moved twilight age , as grandparents , we feel abandoned and neglected , we are lonely .
At work , when we are seated as employees , we feel our energies have been squeezed out by the company and vice versa as the owner of the company , we feel we lack a dedicated employee and was not responsible , smart and just demands . And when it happens to us , when we are blasted with these problems , we feel as being the most unfortunate , as the most miserable man in the world . We immediately wondered why nature is so unfair , why we must be born endure prolonged suffering this ?
When a series of events come repeatedly and unanswered questions , we are hit by extreme frustration , we feel so tired , we feel neglected , our bodies numb , pulse we stop for a moment , we soon caught up in a dark room that is not we never know when the expiration . Then , before it's getting dark , let's open our eyes and hearts , let's use this time to reflect, examine and seek enlightenment from this little story , the carpenter in this story may be awaken our hearts .

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