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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Infinity Love

Once upon a time in a village , there lived an old mother . He was alone with her ​​only child . Her husband had died of a long illness . The mother thought of her often lament the fate that has very bad character is like stealing , gambling , drinking , and doing other negative actions .
He always prayed , " Lord , please unconscious child who is dear to me , so as not to sin again. I'm old and want to see him repent before I die . " However , the boy is getting late with his evil deeds .
One day , her son brought before the king to be tried again after being caught stealing and violence in the home village . Evil deeds that have been done many times , bringing the death penalty. Announced to the whole village , the penalty will be carried out in front of the people of the village the next morning , just as the bell rang signifying six in the morning .
News punishment that makes the mother weeping bitterly . Prayer continues dikumandangkannya forgiveness while the limping step he approached the king to beg his son should not be put to death . But the king's decision can not be changed ! With a broken heart , the old lady returned home .
The next day , at the appointed place , the people had gathered in the field . An executioner looks set to do the punishment . The child was resigned to the fate of regret and crying as pictured elderly mother 's face .
Seconds punishment finally arrived . But after passing five minutes from 0600 , the bell has not tolled too ! Began a noisy atmosphere . Officers bells look of confusion because it has been since last he pulled the bell rope but dentangnya voice is not heard .
Well when they all were busy wondering about this situation , suddenly the bell rope of blood flow . The whole audience was pounding waiting , what the hell happened ? Apparently in the body of the bell encountered elderly mother . He died with his head covered in blood ( due to hit the wall of the bell ) .
The mother sacrificed herself for her son . In the early days , he struggled to climb up and attach itself to the pendulum at the bells , bells never tolled in order to avoid the death penalty for her .
All who witnessed the incident down and shed tears . While the wailing child witnessed his mother's body lying covered in blood . Regret always comes too late !

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